Proudly Presenting “The Gang”


The Gang on NYE at Victoria

Ed and Deedee Bergler

For over five decades, “The Gang” has been together, 庆祝和充实亚博体育. During this time, 他们也欢迎其他人加入他们的团体, 与亚博体育公司和当地教会有着共同的兴趣和联系. 所有这些都是我们丰富历史中重要而珍贵的组成部分.

Ed和Deedee Bergler,目前居住在俄勒冈州的欢乐谷. 他们有三个孩子(其中一个是亚博体育公司的校友)和九个孙辈.

来自俄勒冈州波特兰市的Ed Bergler是一名退休的英特尔工程师. He has also served as former Warner Pacific trustee; and church board member. He has organized church building projects; with Warner Pacific alumnus Dale Monroe, Ed designed and constructed numerous bunkbeds for My Father’s House family shelter; and serves as the estate manager for a Warner Pacific trust fund.

Deedee (Dunham) Bergler来自俄勒冈州波特兰市,是一名教师. She provides leadership in children’s ministries and women’s Bible studies; she also supports the church’s hospitality ministry.

Tom and Vicki Cochran

Tom和Vicki Cochran,目前居住在俄勒冈州俄勒冈市. They have four children and 12 grandchildren.

汤姆·科克伦来自华盛顿州埃德蒙兹,是波特兰公立学校的一名退休教师. 他在课堂上教授艺术,在职业教育中教授建筑和建筑. He is also a home builder and remodeler, 在伍德斯托克上帝教堂的重建和山的建设期间担任教会董事会和委员会的领导. Scott Church of God. Tom has served as a church teacher for college and young marrieds; a leader for Youth Alpha and Bible Study Fellowship; and is a former Warner Pacific art instructor.

Vicki (Roller) Cochran, from Reno, Nevada, 是俄勒冈市学校的退休特殊教育老师. She is was women’s fitness franchise owner; member of church council and missions boards; leader in women’s ministry and Bible Study Fellowship; a member of the church hospitality team; and volunteer at the Oregon City pregnancy center. Vicki是亚博体育校友会的成员,也是前亚博体育历史讲师.

Doug and Susan Hamilton

道格·汉密尔顿和苏珊·汉密尔顿目前居住在华盛顿州的温哥华. 他们有两个孩子,都是亚博体育公司的校友,还有两个孙辈.

Doug Hamilton, from Palmer Alaska, 是长荣公立学校的退休教师和行政人员. 他曾为教会推进计划提供沟通和媒体制作领导. 他也是亚博体育校友通讯的前编辑和校友协会的前主席. 他曾在亚博体育担任语言艺术导师和戏剧教练.

Susan (LaVelle) Hamilton, from Hanford, California, 当了37年小学老师. 在教堂里,她为年轻的已婚夫妇授课. A published author, she also served as a tutor for a women’s shelter; has taught parenting and marriage classes for Kaiser Permanente; and has served as a mentor for a teen mothers program.

Bill and Jean Pyne

比尔和简派恩,目前居住在华盛顿州温哥华的鲑鱼溪附近. They have two children and five grandchildren.

比尔·派恩来自爱达荷州黑泽尔顿,是常青公立学校的一名退休高中教师. He was a media specialist and teacher at Oregon State School for the Deaf; served Portland Public Schools as a media specialist for the deaf program; and was a board member of Gospel Ministries for the Deaf for 35 years, 5 of those years as Director. He also has served on his church board. As a student, 他是华纳世界校报的编辑,也是亚博体育校友会的前成员.

Jean (Olson) Pyne, from Fargo, North Dakota, 是华盛顿州立大学的退休学生服务人员, Vancouver. 她早期的职业道路包括自雇房屋修复项目, 还在做整形外科医生的助理. 退休后,琼参与成人圣经学习和教会接待活动.

Clem and Helen Ryan

克莱姆和海伦·瑞安,目前居住在俄勒冈州大马士革. 他们有两个孩子(其中一个是亚博体育公司的校友)和四个孙辈.

Clem Ryan, from George Town, Grand Cayman, 他是普利司通国际公司退休的现场工程经理. 学生时代,克莱姆管理着校园里的打印店. 他参与国际狮子会,并在教会执委会任职,并担任年度社区选美的领袖.

Helen (Wilcox) Ryan, from Lansing, Michigan, 退休后曾担任教会财务秘书, bank teller, pharmacist technician, school secretary, and bus driver for special needs students.

Jack and Neva Nelson

杰克和内瓦·纳尔逊,在死后获得了这一奖项. 在他们去世之前,他们住在俄勒冈州的格雷沙姆. 他们有两个孩子和四个孙子.

杰克·纳尔逊来自阿拉斯加州朱诺,曾担任过牧师、美国陆军牧师和临终关怀牧师. 他还参与过阿拉斯加石油管道的建设,并担任过房屋装修师.

Neva (Teague) Nelson, from Kennewick, Washington, was a pastor and hospice chaplain, and also worked as church office staff.

Warner Pacific University is proud to recognize Ed and Deedee Bergler; Tom and Vicki Cochran; Doug and Susan Hamilton; Bill and Jean Pyne; Clem and Helen Ryan; and Jack and Neva Nelson as 2019 Distinguished Alumni Award winners!

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